Penelitian Dosen Pemula (PDP) Universitas Triatma Mulya 2024



Supported by Direktorat Akademik Pendidikan Tinggi Vokasi (DAPTV)

Explore DTW Virtual Tour 360° (Storynomics Content Dewi Taro)

Penelitian Dosen Pemula (PDP) 2024

Penelitian Dosen Pemula dengan judul “Strategi Promosi bebasis Konten Storynomics Tourism untuk Mendukung Pelestarian Sejarah dan Budaya di Desa Wisata Taro” lolos pendanaan pada tahun 2024 dari DAPTV. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi tradisi lisan di Desa Wisata Taro dan mengembangkan strategi promosi yang berfokus pada konten storynomics untuk melestarikan sejarah dan warisan budaya Desa Taro.

Our Team

Ni Nyoman Arini

Ketua Peneliti

Ni Luh Putu Ayu Putri Amelia Dewi

Mahasiswa Universitas Triatma Mulya

I Nengah Sandi Artha Putra, S.Par., M.Par

Anggota Peneliti

Putu Ngurah Wahyu Darmawan

Mahasiswa Universitas Triatma Mulya

Semara Ratih Delodsema Village
Banjar Taro Kelod

There are two springs that are opposite and meet each other called Semara Ratih which is the God and the Goddess of Love. The myth is that the meeting of these springs also represents the meeting of the symbols of purusa (male) and pradana (female). This myth is one of the reasons that this tourist attraction is known as Semara Ratih (name of a couple, which means a handsome and charming man and a beautiful and graceful woman).

Lembah Bidadari
Banjar Taro Kelod

Lembah Bidadari is a tourist attraction that offers natural beauty with a natural swimming pool where the water comes from a spring. As the name suggests, Lembah Bidadari is located at the bottom of a valley and surrounded by cliffs that offer beautiful views. The fresh water pool in Lembah Bidadari is about 1.5 meters deep. Tourists can enjoy activities such as swimming, taking pictures with a stunning natural background, or simply sitting back and listening to the sounds of nature. For nature lovers, Lembah Bidadari is a hidden paradise waiting to be explored.

Pura Agung Gunung Raung
Banjar Taro Kaja

Pura Agung Gunung Raung is one of the historical heritages in Taro village. Pura Agung Gunung Raung is closely related to the spiritual journey of Rsi Markandeya from East Java to Bali. This temple becomes a symbol of balance between spirituality and environment. It also reflects a cultural heritage that has been preserved for centuries.

Satwa Suci Lembu Putih
Banjar Taro Kaja

White ox is an important part of the cultural and historical heritage of Taro Village. White ox means a white cow that is sacred to the local community. The sacred white oxen mentioned in the history lontar of Rsi Markandeya’s journey were the white cows that he brought from Java to Bali and no longer could be found in other areas. The existence of the White Ox in Taro village does not only have spiritual values, but also binds the local with traditions and myths that have existed for years. The myth states that the white ox is believed to be a symbol of Shiva vehicle (the highest God according to Hindu belief).

The FireFlies Garden
Banjar Taro Kaja

Organic farming practices not only maintain the quality of the soil and water, but also creates a habitat that supports the survival of fireflies, or commonly known as beetles that can emit light from their bodies at night. Fireflies can still be found in Taro village, while in other villages they are increasingly rare and difficult to find. The existence of fireflies in Taro village inspired the local community to create a recreational park: The Fireflies Garden.

Yeh Pikat River Trekking and Waterfall
Banjar Taro Kaja

Yeh Pikat River Trekking and Waterfall is an adventure activity that involves trekking along the Yeh Pikat River, with the final destination at the waterfall. The 5-kilometers trekking route can be completed in about 2 hours. Although the route is not too difficult, it requires more energy when climbing the cliffs. During the trek, tourists will walk along the road in the middle of the plantation, pass through residents’ houses, and have the opportunity to experience the daily life of the local community.

Tari Narnir (Narnir Dance)
Banjar Taro Kaja

The Narnir Dance tells the story of a pair of butterflies who are blending love with happiness. The word “Narnir” comes from the ancient Balinese language “ngenarnir” which means something that keeps moving and never stays still. The late Maestro Ketut Cemil observed a pair of butterflies who expressed love, joy, and energy as they flew to greet each other. From the activity of the pair of butterflies, it is poured into the body movements, gamelan harmony, and a deep spiritual essence, so that it becomes the Narnir Dance.

Tari Legong Taro (Legong Taro Dance)
Banjar Taro Kaja

The characteristic and unique value of the Legong Taro Dance is the extraordinary flexibility of the dancers, with the term “ngelente” or the movement of lying the body back gracefully until it touches the floor. This dance conveys that flexibility in life can give birth to beauty of harmony in life.

Tari Goak Ngajang Sebun
Banjar Taro Kaja

Goak Ngajang Sebun Dance tells the story of a pair of Crows building their nest. The creation of the Goak Ngajang Sebun Dance was inspired when he observed the activities of a pair of Crows building their nest with joy and a spirit of cooperation. He poured all the artistic values and beauty of the Crows’ movements into the melody, choreography, and rhythm of the dance, which is called Goak Ngajang Sebun Dance.

Tradisi Banten Tegen-Tegenan
Banjar Taro Kaja

The local community of Taro Village carry out the tradition of nyacin or tegen-tegenan as an expression of gratitude for the abundance of blessings, which include various harvests. This tradition is carried out every six months at Pura Agung Gunung Raung Taro. Banten or the offerings in this tradition are carried by the male community in Taro Village to Pura Agung Gunung Raung Taro.

Tradisi Negtegang
Banjar Taro Kaja

One of the subak traditions in Taro Village is the ngiluang tegteg or negtegang tradition, which is carrying banten tegteg or a ceremonial offering that is paraded in a group around the temple three times. This tradition is performed as an offering to glorify the harvest and is presented to Dewi Sri as a symbol of fertility.

Tradisi Ngelawang Amunduk Taro
Banjar Puakan

Every six months, exactly one day after the Galungan celebration, namely Umanis Galungan, there is a tradition of Ngelawang Amunduk Taro, in which, all the force of rwa bhineda (two differences) in the form of the symbol of Rangda and Barong will be gathered together at Pura Puseh and Pura Desa Puwakan Taro. All the local will gather and perform prayers in this place.